Dental Health and Pregnancy

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Dental Health and Pregnancy

Waiting for the birth of a baby is an exciting time for any woman. Your body changes in many ways, including in your mouth. Though picking out names and nursery colors is important, taking proper care of your teeth and gums before, during, and after pregnancy will keep your oral health on track. These tips can help you keep your vibrant smile in top shape.

Before Pregnancy
While you are trying to conceive, schedule an appointment with your dentist. At this visit, the dental team can clean your teeth, examine your mouth, and address any issues before you have a baby on the way. Because x-rays are not recommended during pregnancy, this appointment is a good time to have those taken as well.

During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant make sure to tell your dentist right away. Procedures like cosmetic enhancements and X-rays should be avoided during pregnancy. Checkups are very important when you are pregnant, so don’t skip your visit. As a precaution, you should wait until the second trimester to see your dentist.

While your pregnancy progresses, watch for signs of pregnancy gingivitis, which usually involves tenderness, bleeding, or swollen gums. Talk with your dentist if these symptoms appear. Practicing good oral care and eating right will help minimize any impact on your oral health.

After Pregnancy
When you feel up to it, visit your dentist after delivery for a full evaluation of your oral health. Your dental provider can work out a detailed plan to address any issues from the pregnancy and renew your smile.

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