Why Your Smile Makeover Can Change Everything

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Why Your Smile Makeover Can Change Everything

When you meet someone for the first time, they notice things about you: your hair, your eyes, your handshake, but most of all they notice your smile. A bright, even smile, freely given, can leave the most positive impression you can make on a stranger. It sends a message of friendliness, confidence and ease. As you continue speaking to that stranger, your smile, your ready laugh and your comfortable manner all send the right signals of health and well-being.

When you don’t have a nice smile, that confidence is lacking. Smiles become tight-lipped, heads are bowed down and laughter is smaller and speech can become clipped. You avoid eating in public and when you do, you cover your mouth constantly with your hand to hide your teeth. Bad breath from bad teeth could lead you to fear getting close with someone. The message sent here is one of avoidance and embarrassment and shame.

Bad teeth and poor oral health can hold us back in our personal lives as well as our professional ones. Smiles that are decayed and unattractive send signals that we never intend. Correct or not, they can indicate histories of poverty, a lack of education or poor hygiene habits. These indications, even when they’re wrong, can lead to being passed over for promotions, for dates or for a variety of social opportunities.

Don’t be this person. Take steps now to work with a cosmetic dentist to change everything you don’t like about your smile. From large changes to small ones, a skilled cosmetic dentist can makeover your smile to be the bright, beautiful smile you’ve always desired.

Whether you need to correct some cavities and to revamp your oral hygiene habits at home, or if you need braces to correct alignment issues, a cosmetic dentist can help you. Dental veneers can change the color, shape and length of one or more teeth, and missing or gapped teeth can be replaced with dental implants or dental bridges.

Don’t let your smile hold you back another minute. Talk to a cosmetic dentist today about your smile makeover.

Our dental office is located in Aventura

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