Family Dentistry

/Family Dentistry

Convenience and Your Family Dentist

Life isn’t getting any slower, in fact, it seems that it’s always speeding up! This is never truer than it is for families, especially those with two or more children. Parents can feel like the local taxi service, running one child to band and another to piano and yet another to a doctor’s appointment. Finally, [...]

By |June 20th, 2024|Dental Topics 3, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Convenience and Your Family Dentist

Manage Your Time With a Family Dentist

Life sometimes seems as though it is zipping by, and that time is running through our fingers at an alarming pace. If you have children, this seems to be more true every year. Multiple children can mean multiple schools, appointments, lessons, meetings and plans. If you are feeling like the family taxi service, you can [...]

By |May 16th, 2024|Dental Topics 2, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Manage Your Time With a Family Dentist

Reasons to Regularly Visit Your Family Dentist

You may be diligent about keeping up with your yearly physical with your general physician, but you may not be as careful about seeing your family dentist as often as you should. People tend to neglect dental checkups, thinking that if their teeth aren’t hurting then there’s no reason to go to the dentist. This [...]

By |May 2nd, 2024|Dental Topics 2, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Reasons to Regularly Visit Your Family Dentist

Choosing a Family Dentist

When you’re talking about the oral health of yourself and your family, there is no excuse for neglecting regular dental care. There are various kinds of dentists and specialists, but if you need general dental treatment, a family dentist is a great choice. Family dentists treat common dental problems and provide maintenance care. Visiting a [...]

By |February 1st, 2024|Dental Topics 2, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Choosing a Family Dentist

Cosmetic Dentistry Options at Your Family Dentist

Due to the increased interest in cosmetic dentistry, many family dentists are becoming trained to offer more extensive procedures and treatments geared to improve the appearance of your smile. Many of these treatments are quick and painless, and can offer almost instant results. Some of the cosmetic dentistry options offered by your family dentist may [...]

By |January 11th, 2024|Dental Topics 2, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Cosmetic Dentistry Options at Your Family Dentist

Why Choose Family Dentistry?

One of the most important decision for the health of you and your family is a family dentist. Similar to a general dentist, family dentists offer a few significant exceptions. Both types of dentists treat oral health and manage dental hygiene, but family dentists offer care to patients of all ages. This makes family dentistry [...]

By |September 21st, 2023|Dental Topics 2, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Why Choose Family Dentistry?

Services Offered at Your Family Dentist

Family dentists can do so much for you and your family. A family dentist is able to perform any other task another dentist can do, but they’re able to perform them on your entire family. The convenience of this service to each member of your family will save you time and trouble. Your family dentist [...]

By |December 18th, 2022|Dental Topics 2, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Services Offered at Your Family Dentist

Cosmetic Procedures and Family Dentistry

Your family dentist can perform all of the services offered by both a pediatric and an adult dentist, only for your whole family. Some of the most popular options are cosmetic or restorative procedures, correcting such issues as discolored teeth, crooked or misaligned teeth, unsightly metal fillings, crowded or rotated teeth, short or small teeth, [...]

By |November 27th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Cosmetic Procedures and Family Dentistry

Introducing Children to a Family Dentist

Dentists recommend seeing children for the first time when they have begun to cut teeth, by the time they have celebrated a first birthday. A first visit is primarily about allowing a child to get comfortable in the dentist’s chair and about educating you, the parent, on how to care for your child’s baby teeth. [...]

By |November 20th, 2022|Dental Topics 3, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Introducing Children to a Family Dentist

Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Facing dental issues are a fact of life, no matter your age. The likelihood is almost certain that at least one member of your family will require dental treatment at some point, not to mention the need for regular checkups and cleanings. The promise of dental care being required by every family member means that [...]

By |May 7th, 2022|Dental Topics 2, Family Dentistry, Blog|Comments Off on Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Special Occasions

Most people have things about their smiles they’d like to fix. Maybe the things are minor or perhaps they are major, but most of them can be addressed with some form of cosmetic dentistry. You may have been unhappy for ...
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Trading Your Dentures in for Dental Implants

After suffering tooth loss for any reason, it’s important to restore your mouth’s function and appearance with restoration options through your dentist. In the past, many patients have gotten dentures for this purpose. Dental implants provide a newer and very ...
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Problems with your Dentures

If you have chosen dentures to restore the function and appearance of your mouth, you certainly want them to do their job. Typically, if fitted correctly and you follow the instructions for use and care, dentures are a good solution ...
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Cerec dentist in Aventura

Features of CEREC Technology for Crowns

Dental crowns have been revolutionized by the onset of CEREC technology. This unique method of developing crowns is taking dentistry by storm. Not all dentists have the training and equipment to perform CEREC crowns, but those that do are able ...
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